Jakes Team
- Paint exterior of 3548. Bring down lift.
- Finish basment apartment.
- Paint exterior of sheds.
- Paint pool breezeway steel.
- Epoxy stable slab.
- Epoxy shed slabs.
- Epoxy pool breezeway.
- Refurbish basment of St. Vrain. Remodel.
- Drywall, paint and epoxy floor of garage at St. Vrain.
- Paint vintage road graders.
- Paint some of the equipment like Genie lifts.
- Paint stable.
- Paint new fencing around water tap after it is in.
- Fix drywall and paint 3115 garage.
- Drywall and paint interior of West shed.
- Touch up everything in 3115 Holly.
- Paint new bridge to pool breezeway.
Welding/Bill Team
- Make a steel cupola for octogon building.
- Build bridge from deck to pool breezeway. Includes pouring huge footings.
- Fencing around new water tap.
- Posts for stable.
- Steel work for stable balcony.
- Stable doors and walls.
- Windmill.
- Kenton's birdhouse posts.
- Stable stair handrail.
Grounds/Orion Team
- Weed everything.
- Sprinklers at 3 Holly properties.
- Sod or plant grass at 3 Holly properties.
- Fencing for both east and west of 3115 Holly. Install.
- Water trees.
- Build fence between 3540 and 3548 to HOA specs for fence between lots.
- Build fence at 3504 to HOA specs for fence alongside open space.
- Till and plant grass over Lot 4 septic
- Keep everything fueld up including expedition.
- Install roofing on sheds.
- Install roofing on pool breezeway.
- Frame stable.
- Roof stable.
- East shed plumbing.
- Electrical to stable.
- Design bridge and order steel for it.
- Take home wood boxes
- Fix everything.
- Pull maintenance on everything.
- Change filters on all houses and rentals everywhere.
- Trash.
- Mail at InterNACHI.
- Install shelves in shed two center shed walls.
- Cut grass.
- Assemble furniture in basement for regugees.
- Cover cupola roofs with Grace.